No Homework. An Argument in the Social Media Circus.

The first time my son heard the word “Homework” he screamed, ran to his bedroom, slammed the door and locked it. He was three years old and his older sister decided it was time he got some homework too so she told him she was going to give him homework. That’s when the screaming began.ContinueContinue reading “No Homework. An Argument in the Social Media Circus.”

The Green-Eyed Monster: A Letter to People with Straight Hair

I just got my hair cut and I loved it…when it was wet. When it dried, when the humidity settled in, I wore a beautifully highlighted but not so cool Afro. As much as I love Afros on other women, which we’ll talk about in another post, on another day, I don’t like an afro onContinueContinue reading “The Green-Eyed Monster: A Letter to People with Straight Hair”

The Best Summer Ever

The great part about being a parent is always the intensity with which kids force me to have fun. They bend my perception of myself backwards to a time when I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to stand like that or say those things. So, here’s what happens when you spend summer with kids. 1.ContinueContinue reading “The Best Summer Ever”

Dream Home in Venus Domes

Tucked away somewhere in Florida, there’s a place called Venus. In particular, it’s the Venus Project created by Jacque Fresco. Dreams live there. And, the homes do too. They’re domes and at first glance they look like igloos, but in Florida that would be a paradox to say the least. I found out about theseContinueContinue reading “Dream Home in Venus Domes”

Wild Women and Mad Men: Bite the Change

Since Saturday, I’ve been upset and I didn’t want to write about it because I knew it would’ve been unfocused. I also don’t want this to be a place for readers to have to endure endless rants. So, I’ve been reading fellow writers’ posts while attempting to sedate the anger I still feel. But, asContinueContinue reading “Wild Women and Mad Men: Bite the Change”