To My WordPress Family, Laugh It Up

We all have felt the demise of happiness more than a few times during quarantine. It’s been rough trying to stay happy right now. I get a blow to the gut at least once a day from some sort of disappointment–most of the time it happens when I read or listen to the news. So,ContinueContinue reading “To My WordPress Family, Laugh It Up”

Speak Up Saturdays

The sound of a teenager’s voice can send a parent or teacher into the realm of insanity or lift someone out of the depths of despair. Showing teenagers the power of their voice helps them understand what to do with the words that buzz in their brains. Our teenagers need to stay connected in creativeContinueContinue reading “Speak Up Saturdays”

Grateful for Discover Writing Prompts

Stuck, scared, and stressed, I could barely write when the quarantine began here in Miami, Florida. Between cooking all the time and being ordered around like everyone’s personal servant, I found my mind full of chaotic thoughts and unable to focus on anything that mattered to me. That all changed when the Discover Prompts startedContinueContinue reading “Grateful for Discover Writing Prompts”

There’s An Artist Hiding Inside Your Child’s Mind

When my son was six, he wouldn’t use descriptive language like my daughter who devoured books and words faster than most children. My son liked to describe everything with a zip or a zoom. He’d riddle his sentences with a series of sounds that could sometimes be mistaken for heavy fire in a battle orContinueContinue reading “There’s An Artist Hiding Inside Your Child’s Mind”

Applause Applause, Give the Teachers a Hand

I slapped my legs and snorted this morning while putting my groceries away. Who knew that listening to my kids’ English teacher talk about the schedule for the week would be so entertaining? I mean, yes, I also teach English and have been told on more than one occasion that my backup plan should beContinueContinue reading “Applause Applause, Give the Teachers a Hand”


Bursting out of the house in an effort to escape the extreme claustrophobia that was choking me to death, I ran down the dark street to the park that was covered in yellow tape. I ran around it watching a man in a mask walk his dog. There were only a few of us whoContinueContinue reading “Escape”